philosophy / Robotics

Uncanny Valley and Autism? WTF?!

In 1970 Masahiro Mori, a japanese robotics professor, described a phenomenon that the acceptance of a technically simulated, human-like entity (robots, avatars, etc.) does not increase steadily monotonically with the anthropomorphism (human-likeness) of this figure, but rather shows a sharp decline within a certain range. This was called the “Uncanny Valley”. It can be seen … Continue reading

Data Science / Uncategorized


Everyone interested in data science might have come across “A/B-Testing”. While many universities don’t seem cover this important subject, knowing that terminus is seen as basic knowledge during job interviews. I even found out that many co-workers seem to have an issue understanding how versatile this procedure can result to be. There is “no free … Continue reading


Long Time No See

It has been an extremely long time since my last blog post. I entered the professional world after finishing my master’s degree and I ended up as a data scientist and machine learning engineer. I’m covering both since I’m not a huge fan of tight specializations. I’m quite lucky that my working place allows you … Continue reading

Machine Learning

Handwritten Digit Recognition Using A Naive Bayes Classifier Trained With MNIST

‘The task consists of labeling the MNIST testing dataset’. That’s what we’ve been told at the Machine Learning lecture concerning the newest programming task. And it left us all petrified (kind of 😀 ). In groups of two we left the lecture and started with that interesting task. We decided to implement the handwritten digit recognition using … Continue reading